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Découvrir Bazas
en Sud Gironde

En Sud Gironde, la ville de Bazas, située sur les chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, est une étape incontournable.

Il règne dans cette ville une ambiance de « petit village » où vous serez accueillis chaleureusement par les habitants, souvent d’origine gasconne.

Ici, tout le monde se connaît et lorsque le torréfacteur du coin prépare le café, l’odeur se répand dans toute la ville ! Son marché, sa Cathédrale, ses cafés, ses artisans, ses petites ruelles… Bazas a vraiment tout pour plaire !

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Stroll down the aisles
of the Bazas market

Saturday is market day in Bazas in the South of Gironde! Pack your shopping basket and take a stroll down the market aisles in Place de la Cathédrale. From the arcades, you’re sure to hear Dominique’s laughter as he sits down to a Gascony breakfast.

On the menu: good pâté, charcuterie, cheese and a little local wine, all in moderation! It’s a weekly get-together for the market’s producers, who get together to catch up on old times and share a moment of pure simplicity. Dominique will tell you all about her local produce, “Lou Bazadès”, with love and passion! As you stroll around the market stalls, take a bite out of the local seasonal fruit or sample the Gascony charcuterie… After the market, the terraces under the arcades invite you to enjoy a coffee while reading the morning paper.

marché de bazas

A shopping trip
shopping in Bazas

In Bazas, don’t hesitate to go into the little shops of antique dealers and craftsmen…

You’ll be able to chat with the shopkeepers, who will share their passion and know-how with you.

Of course, don’t forget to take home a local delicacy, such as meringues! A number of delicatessens sell local produce, including Bazadaise beef, Gascon pâté, foie gras with Sauternes wine and salmis de palombe.

virée shopping bazas

Take a walk
the foot of the ramparts

At the foot of the ramparts of the town of Bazas, get on your bike and follow the Promenade de la Brèche circuit! With family or friends, pedal along the ramparts and discover the town of Bazas from another point of view.

On foot, explore the narrow cobbled streets and admire the various monuments of this pretty Gascon town: the Porte du Gisquet, the Apothecary’s or the Cathedral of Saint-Jean-Baptiste.

bazas remparts

Discover the Cathedral

The Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Bazas is a must-see monument in the southern Gironde. Built between the 11th and 14th centuries, this Gothic monument is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, and houses a magnificent turquoise-blue organ.

bazas cathedrale

Visit the town, the municipal museum
of Bazas and the Apothecary's shop

Take a guided tour of the historic centre to discover the secrets of Bazas. With Pistes de Robin, the youngest visitors can explore every nook and cranny of the town, with a surprise in store!

The Bazas municipal museum is housed in the old town hall. It tells the story of Bazas from its earliest days to the present day. Art lovers will not be left out, as the other rooms feature collections of religious art, fine art and archaeology.

In Bazas, the former Hôpital Saint-Antoine hides a magnificent place: the Apothicairerie. Inside, you’ll discover earthenware, glassware and old pharmaceutical equipment… A real journey back to the 18th century awaits you in the South of Gironde! To visit the Apothicary’s, don’t forget to book with the tourist office.
