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la rivière du ciron

The Ciron
in Southern Gironde

From Lubbon in the Landes to the Port of Barsac, the River Ciron plays an important role in the region!

At 97 km long, it crosses the Landes de Gascogne plateau, the Bazadais plateau and the Sauternes hillsides. It may be a small river, but it offers a host of activities in the Sud Gironde: walks, fishing, canoeing, Sauternes wine tasting, cultural visits…

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Discover the hidden face of the Ciron

As you stroll along the banks of the Ciron, you’ll realise that this small tree-lined waterway makes up the Forêt Galerie. This ancestral forest area has existed for 40,000 years…

A very wild natural area, the trees protect the river from the sun and keep the water cool, even in summer. As a result, morning mists form and encourage the appearance of the Botrytis cinerea fungus, essential to the production of Sauternes. Take the opportunity to stop off and enjoy a glass of this delicious sweet white wine, one of the specialities of the Southern Gironde!

The Ciron watershed is classified as a Natura 2000 area, so keep your eyes peeled during your walks. You might spot an otter or a cistude tortoise hiding behind a tree trunk!

tortue cistude

Strolling along the banks of the Ciron

If you’re a keen walker, there are plenty of walks along the Ciron river. Put on your trainers, bring a bottle of water, a hat and mosquito repellent and off you go!

The most famous walk in the Sud Gironde is undoubtedly the Bernos-Beaulac walk. Easy to do, it’s ideal for a family walk, between mills, gorges and small bridges. For a more leisurely stroll, the Belvédère du Ciron is an informative interpretation trail offering a magnificent view of the river. At the Port de Barsac, take a break to fish or picnic in the shade of the trees.

The Ciron can also be explored by bike, if you prefer two wheels to hiking boots! The Ciron-Lubbon-Barsac circuit takes you through forests, lagoons, small villages and gorges. It’s a fairly tough route, and takes two days to complete, so you’ll need to do a bit of training before setting off on your mountain bike!

sentier bernos beaulac

Discover the Ciron from the water

The Ciron is also ideal for canoeing and kayaking from the water sports centres at Bernos-Beaulac, Villandraut and Bommes. Paddle down the river for a day and explore another side of the Ciron: its gorges and canyons.

Visiting Bommes in August? Don’t miss the Fête Nautique de Bommes! Take part in the parade of decorated canoes and kayaks or the surprising sound and light shows in the South Gironde!

Les gorges du Ciron

Visit the Château de Cazeneuve

Standing proudly on the banks of the River Ciron is the royal château of Cazeneuve. The home of King Henry IV and Queen Margot overlooks the River Ciron and promises a mysterious and historic visit to the heart of a magnificent castle.

With troglodyte caves full of anecdotes about Queen Margot, medieval cellars and a prison, the fortress is full of surprises! But it’s in the park that you’ll find the Ciron and its riches: the Queen’s grotto, the Queen’s garden and the giant bamboo grove.

Château de Cazeneuve