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Goualade - Auberge gasconne (1)
Goualade - église (1)
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Goualade - église (5)
Goualade - Auberge gasconne (2)
Goualade - Auberge gasconne (1)

Village de Goualade to Goualade

The small village of Goualade (Gualada in Gascon) boasts two remarkable buildings listed as historic monuments: the Romanesque church, originally built around the 12th century, and the round sheepfold built in the late 18th or early 19th century.

Starting from the sheepfold, you can take advantage of a family-friendly hiking trail. Don’t hesitate to stop off at the inn in the heart of the village, where you’ll find a warm, typically Gascon atmosphere.

Facilities and services

  • Bar-cafeteria-tea room
  • Catering