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Bazas - Jardin du Chapitre
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Bazas - Jardin du chapitre (5)
Jardin du Chapitre - ph Elodie F
Bazas - Jardin du Chapitre
Bazas - Jardin du chapitre (3)
Bazas - Jardin du chapitre (1)
Bazas - Jardin du chapitre (2)
Bazas - Jardin du chapitre (4)
Bazas - Jardin du chapitre (5)
Jardin du Chapitre - ph Elodie F

Chapter garden to Bazas

In this terraced garden, the latest excavation site presents remains tracing the history of the town from the 1st Iron Age to the 15th century, via the Gallo-Roman period and the Middle Ages.

Overall view of the Gothic structure of the cathedral and the southern ramparts.

A fortified tower pierced with loopholes reminds us that the bishop’s palace was a fortress and that the whole complex above the ramparts was part of the town’s defence.