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5.Un ocean d amour_Creědit photo Steěphane Michel 3(1)

Un océan d’amour – Cie La Salamandre to Langon

Le 14/11/2024

Languages spoken


Every morning, Mister goes fishing, but on this day, he is the one caught by a frightening factory boat. Meanwhile, Madame waits. Deaf to the complaints of the Bigouden women and convinced that her man is alive, she sets out to find him. This is the start of a perilous cross-country chase on an ocean in all its states. A silent story with lots of seagulls. On stage, two grey-coated clerks from a random government department construct and stage this funny and touching scenario using paper in all its forms. A gem of mime and puppetry.

After the comic strip by Grégory Panaccione and Wilfrid Lupano.

Length: 50 minutes

For all ages, from 7 years.

  • Accessible to people with reduced mobility


Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm to 5:30pm, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 5:30pm.

  • Le 14/11/202419:00 - 19:50

Price list

  • Plein tariff
  • Reduced rate
  • Other rates

TP: 10 € I PASS: 8 € I TR: 5 €

Payment methods accepted

  • Cheques
  • Payment cards
  • Species