Budos Castle to Budos
The Château de Budos, built in the 14th century for a nephew of Pope Clement V, Raymond Guilhem de Budos, is both a fortress and a palace. The layout of the monument imitates that of the papal château of Villandraut. The enclosure is flanked at each corner by a projecting tower, three cylindrical and one octagonal, pierced by cross-shaped archways. The dwellings, comprising three main wings, are spread around the enclosure. The south-east curtain wall features a remarkable gate tower, crowned by a crenellated parapet supported by brackets with machicolations. The castle was fitted out for artillery purposes during the Wars of Religion. During the Revolution, the castle was declared national property and dismantled to be used as a quarry. Today, the Adichats association is safeguarding and promoting this magnificent site. The ruins and basement are listed on the Inventaire Supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques (1988).
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